Wine Club

Wine Club

Wine Club

Number of bottles per shipment 6 bottles

The Next box to ship is the Spring box!

    If you order the 12 bottle option, you will receive 2 bottles of each wine so if you like one, you can enjoy the other one with your friends or Family (or keep it for yourself!)

    Price per box includes shipping
    Destination/ Price per type of club 6 bottles 12 bottles
    Shipments to the USA are not subject to French Tax (VAT)
    €219 €399
    Europe Zone 1 €157 €279
    Europe zone 2 €177 €299
    France €147 €269


    Shipping info
    Scheduled box Charge on card* Shipping date
    Spring box 10th of February 15th of February
    Summer box 10th of June 15th of June
    Holiday box 10th of October 15th of October

    *You will only be charged at the next Scheduled box